Welcome to the world of Mecha Marauders. We are super excited to have you thrash around in this early build.
Go from Trashy to Thrashy in this Trashpunk Reverse Tower Defense Puzzler. Instead of bolstering your defenses to fend off enemy waves, MECHA MARAUDERS has you engineering an upcycled army from rubbish and refuse to overthrow an evil technocracy! I mean, aren’t we ALL ready to scrap our Data Lords?
The game is played in two phases: first you customize your mech units , and then you deploy those units into the Scrapyard to see how far they can get. Your objective is to destroy as many enemy towers as possible and to reach checkpoints that unlock more components and resources for customization.
The game is mostly driven by AI, you don’t need to control your units at all. Simply select where to spawn them and they will autopath forwards. If enemy turrets are within range, your mechs will attack them. But be careful: Those turrets shoot back!